Who We Are

The Church of God (Anderson, Indiana) in Eastern Canada is a fellowship of likeminded churches, established with a common DNA and focus – sharing the love of God and the Truth of His work through Jesus Christ to restore our relationship with Him.

Our churches are currently located in a variety of areas within Ontario, with the goal and vision to continue to grow and expand across the Eastern region of Canada. Our sister fellowship is headquartered in Alberta and working to faithfully serve and share the Gospel in Western Canada.

If you would like to learn more, or connect with one of our churches, please fill in a contact form. We look forward to getting to know you.

Our churches are presently in the Toronto and Mississauga area, London, Kitchener, Townsend and Grand Bend. Our desire is to continue to grow and see new churches planted and established across Ontario and the eastern provinces.  

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Welcome to the Church of God in Eastern Canada!


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Regional News and Updates

  • Update on the 2020 General Assembly and our COVID-19 Response

    March 29, 2020

    We are praying for our pastors and churches as they have been communicating steps to their congregations to combat the spread of the Coronavirus. We want to demonstrate our confidence in the Lord, and at the same time, respect the recommended guidelines from health and government authorities. Each church should be responding appropriately to the announcement  prohibiting any gathering of 5 or more people https://www.ontario.ca/page/2019-novel-coronavirus?_ga=2.82356563.416651476.1585496928-373371896.1585496928

    The unprecedented nature of our situation calls for making difficult decisions as we navigate a path that is unfamiliar. Thank you to the delegates and observers and Regional Board of Directors members who participated in the 2020 Annual Meeting - our 100th General Assembly! Further history was made, although in a manner that one would not have envisioned even a few months ago.

    Some churches are working to conduct their services online instead of meeting on Sunday and are looking at ways to continue to connect and engage with their communities. Church of God Ministries is facilitating online services from some of our larger churches across the United States. You can access the schedule and links here: https://www.jesusisthesubject.org/theway/

    Take time to phone someone who you are concerned about or who may be shut in and offer them some of your time and encouragement.

    Again, our prayers are with you and your families, as each makes adjustments to their ministry and lives during these days. More changes in Provincial and Canadian responses are happening daily and almost hourly as the list of infections increases.

    “For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” This is not a time of fear, but a time for us to demonstrate to others and live in the reality of the love and wisdom of Christ.

    Thank you for your ministry within your communities and praying for your wisdom, protection and peace in the midst of these circumstances. Praying too for our leaders, the vulnerable and those who are in the front lines of dealing with this virus - in our medical community and social services industries and wherever the public is engaged.

    Rev. Chris Bonis